Chairman of the Managerial Board
Mammadov Saleh Arshad oglu was born in Tartar province of the Republic of Azerbaijan on 1958.
He has higher education and graduated from the department of “Industry and civil construction” of the Azerbaijan Engineering and Construction Institute in 1980 and department of “Law” of Baku State University in 2015.
S.A.Mammadov began his carrier as an engineer at Technical Inventory Bureau of the Ministry of Housing and Communal Services in 06.08.1980 - 15.10.1980.
After serving his military service in the Soviet Army in the years 1980-1982, he resumed his carrier as an engineer at the Technical Inventory Bureau of the Ministry of Housing and Communal Services.
Engineer, chief engineer, and head of Road Construction Unit 01 of “Yoltamirtikinti” Head Office in 1982-1991;
Head of Road Construction Office 03 of “Azerneft” Road Construction and Repair Trust in 1991-1993;
Head of “Azkommunkomplekttekhnika ” Production Unit in 1994-1995;
Deputy head of Bridge Construction Trust under “Azeravtoyol” State-owned company in 1995-2003, head of Local Automobile Roads Office 01, Siyazan Road Operation Office 04 and Road Operation office 01 respectively;
Head of Road Operation Office under “Yolnagliyyatservis” Department of the Ministry of Transport of the Republic of Azerbaijan in 2003-2015-and then head of Road Operation Office 01 under “Azeryolservis” OJSC;
From 19.02.2015 through 28.12.2015, first deputy of the chairman of “Azeryolservis” OJSC under the Ministry of Transport of the Republic of Azerbaijan temporarily acted in the capacity of the chairman of “Azeryolservis” OJSC.
Saleh Arshad oglu Mammadov was appointed chairman of “Azeryolservis” Open Joint – stock Company by Instructive Order of the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan on December 28 2015.
“Azeryolservis” Open Joint – stock Company was renamed to “Azeravtoyol” Open Joint – stock Company by Decree of the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan on March 09 2016.
State Agency of Azerbaijan Automobile Roads was set up by Decree 1638 dated October 18 2017 of the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan.
Saleh Arshad oglu Mammadov was appointed Chairman of the Mangerial Board of the State Agency of Azerbaijan Automobile Roads by Instructive Order dated December 21 2017 of the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan.
He has been a member of New Azerbaijan Party since 2003.
President of Azerbaijan Handball Federation since December 01 2016.
He was awarded with “Taraggi (Progress)” medal by Instructive Order 744 dated 22.09.2010 of the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan and honor title of “Əməkdar Mühəndis (Engineer of Honor)” by Instructive Order 2151 dated 10.04.2021 of the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan.
He is married and has 4 children.